Alex Jones Unveils Strategy Of Calling Plaintiffs’ Counsel A ‘Little White Jewboy Jerkoff Son Of A Bitch’
Yeah, how do you think it went?
Yeah, how do you think it went?
PLI honors Toby J. Rothschild with its inaugural Victor J. Rubino Award for Excellence in Pro Bono Training, recognizing his dedication and impact.
He'll see five years in prison and 10 years of supervised release.
'I'm so f**king hard thinking about that right now,' he wrote from his Biglaw office.
* Yes, it's true: Jeff Sessions came thisclose to resigning as attorney general, after Donald Trump berated him following the appointment of special counsel Bob Mueller in the Russia probe. [New York Times] * Bye-bye to blue slips? It wouldn't exactly be "nuclear," since their treatment has varied greatly over the years. [BuzzFeed] * The State Bar of California tries to cut down the arguments in favor of a lower cut score on the bar exam. [ABA Journal] * Technology platforms are driving an increase in transparency that's having profound consequences for the employer/employee relationship (as I recently discussed on the podcast of Akerman employment-law partner Matt Steinberg). [Akerman] * Embattled Equifax has turned to Phyllis Sumner and King & Spalding for much-needed legal help in the wake of its massive data breach. [Law.com] * Statutory interpretation question: can you be both the victim and the perpetrator in a child pornography case? [How Appealing] * The ranks of nonequity partners continue to grow; has this trend gone too far? [Big Law Business] * Prosecution of individuals in cases of corporate wrongdoing (aka the Yates Memo), and Justice Department policy on enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states where it has been decriminalized -- both are "under review" at the DOJ, according to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. [Law.com]
The moral of the story here is pretty obvious: Stay away from child porn on the internet.
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When lawyers find child pornography in a document review, the law doesn't provide any easy answers.
* This is a footlong you definitely don't want (but it's probably much more like a six-incher if he's lucky). Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle is expected to plead guilty to child-pornography charges. We can't wait to see what his plea deal with authorities actually entails. [CNN] * Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's lawyers filed a brief in favor of their client getting a new trial because his attack on the Boston Marathon apparently wasn't a "crime of violence" within the meaning of the law he was sentenced under at trial. [WSJ Law Blog] * “To achieve those solutions, wouldn’t it help if you had a free press?” Justice Ginsburg's travels recently took her to Vietnam, where she spoke to a packed house about the country's need for greater freedom of press to promote social justice. [Voice of America] * Here's a little-known fact about Biglaw: many of its most well-known partners were "White House rejects." For example, Willkie Farr, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Bracewell & Giuliani, and Davis Polk are all named after failed presidential candidates. [Am Law Daily] * A New Mexico criminal defense attorney charged with a slew of criminal offenses is representing himself in a trial having to do with his shooting of a man outside his office. His best defense thus far? The man was a "methed-out lunatic." [Albuquerque Journal]
* Police raided the home of Subway's Jared Fogle. The media presumes the raid is linked to the ongoing investigation into a colleague of Fogle's who may have aspired to introduce kids to his $5 footlong. [CNN] * Sex addiction is not a defense at your disciplinary hearing. [Legal Profession Blog] * Donald Trump sued Scotland. Apparently Prima Nocta hasn't existed since Braveheart. [Lowering the Bar] * An ode to Partner Emeritus. [What About Clients?] * A legal secretary is suing Winston & Strawn pro se for discrimination. That should work well. [Cook County Record] * If you're attending the ABA Annual Meeting in a few weeks, swing by and see Lat, Judge Posner, Laura Caldwell, William Landay, and Talmage Boston talk about writing and the law. [American Bar Association] * Defendant farts in open court. You'll entirely believe what happens next. [The Lad Bible]
This attorney is currently being held on $100,000 bond.
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.
* You down with R.B.G.? Yeah, you know me! Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore wants SCOTUS Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan to be impeached for having performed same-sex marriage ceremonies. Haters gonna hate. [Huffington Post] * Here's a jury duty chart of those you'll be forced to sit next to, from the "idiot who treats the Jury Foreman selection like a presidential campaign" to the "elderly woman who compares everything to an episode of 'Matlock' she once saw." [Mandatory] * It turns out that the state trooper who failed to do anything about Josh Duggar's criminal sexual activity with a minor and allowed the statute of limitations to run had a penchant for child porn. According to court records, this guy is... pretty damn disgusting. [Jezebel] * "May I please have some of that money you've got under the counter there, miss?" Are you really robbing a bank if you acted like a Boy Scout, asked nicely for money, and then received it -- to the tune of $28,000? Kevin Underhill doesn't think so. [Lowering the Bar] * If you've never seen a Dealbreaker dramatic reading before, then here's your sneak peek. Watch "the greatest intern Wall Street has ever seen" invite everyone and their mother to a party via company email, and then fail in the most epic sense of the word. [Dealbreaker]
Kentucky won't let a registered sex offender with a kiddie porn conviction take the bar exam. What's up with that?
This whole "district judge" thing sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it?
What sentence did this former partner receive?
Thanks to this spyware program, an FBI dad got a gift-wrapped child porn case from his son's principal...